The time has come and it is about to pass….

Legal Scholarship
The Student Appeal
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2011


Many law students make the mistake of waiting until after the Bar Exam to seek employment. Because the legal profession is oversaturated with attorneys, it is important to began your legal career search before you start your second year of law school.

So, the time has come and it is about to pass. The time to apply for summer associate positions (which are normally paid) is generally from August until October. The most prestigious governmental agencies usually place the deadlines for internships and Honors Programs in the Fall. Below is a small list of examples. There are many more internships, just Google them. Also, if you are interested in private law or working for a corporation, just go to the website; information about their summer associate positions/internships will generally be listed under the “careers” link.

Public Sector:

Private Sector:

Summer Internships with Large Corporations:



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