Top 9 Websites for Law Students, Recommended by Law Students

Legal Scholarship
The Student Appeal
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2012


The National Jurist published an article entitled “The 10 Best Websites for Law Students”. With a couple of exceptions, it was a disappointing list.

So, we took to twitter and asked our followers which websites they rely on for information. Here are the winners (plus a bonus website from us)!

  1. Duncan Gibbins Academy — Our UK readers tweeted in droves for this website which helps law grads find legal employment and offers insights into working as a solicitor.
  2. The Girls Guide to Law School (not just for girls) came in first with the American law students. Founder, Alison Monahan publishes witty and informative articles on a range of topics. Check out some of our favorites: 12 Things I’d Do If I Were An Unemployed 3L and How to Get Law Journal Work Done Without Losing Your Mind.
  3. PSLawNet specializes in informing readers about public interest opportunities. In their blog, they publish helpful articles like, Making the Judicial Clerkship Work For You. With job postings and information on how to make a career in public service work for you, this is a must read website.
  4. Ms. JD seeks to help overcome barriers to achieve gender equality in the legal profession. They publish incredible articles on a range of professional topics; including, salary, advancement, law school, and career options. They host conferences and events, and fund fellowships for second year law students. Ms. JD matches Fellows with mentors and funds their attendance to certain events.
  5. IT-Lex, for all your technology law needs. With a steady stream of articles, IT-Lex stays current on cases and legal issues surrounding technology. They host an innovation conference once a year, and a writing contest! Great to read, and they also take submissions.
  6. Ask Heather Jarvis, no really, ask her. She’s an educational resource on student loan repayment. She writes about public service loan forgiveness and responds to posts in her forum where people ask her specific questions about loans and loan repayment.
  7. Law Professor Blogs is a network of blogs designed to assist law professors in their scholarship and teaching. This is the only website from the National Jurist Top 10 on our list, and we are not surprised seeing as this is such an incredible resource. What’s your area of interest? Whatever it is you will find helpful information on it here.
  8. Happy Go Legal is a never cynical and always resourceful website offering advice to law students and new attorneys. Check out articles like To Offer Free Consultation or Not — Two Sides to the Client Intake Coin.
  9. Law School Success Tips author, Ian E. Scott, is fairly new to the blogosphere, but has already produced some thought provoking content.

A special BONUS web-resource from the editors of The Student Appeal:

** Harvard Law Job Search ToolKit is Harvard Law School’s career planning page. It offers sample resumes, cover letters, as well as tips and tricks for getting the job. Keep this website in your back pocket.

Did we miss a site? Add it in the comments! We ran the poll for several days, but there are a lot of valuable resources. Also, follow us on twitter @StudentAppeal and stay tuned for other polls.



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